AI Resources

    Below is a list of current tools and applications in the AI space that we have found useful and effective. This list will be continually updated over time.

    Our resources are grouped into 3 sections:

    1. How can it benefit me?
    2. How can my org use it?
    3. What are the top AI tools and apps?

    Download our AI resources sheet

    Looking for something you can print out or send around your organization? Grab a copy of this list in PDF form.

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    General AI Purpose

    Are you new to AI and how you can use it? Or wondering how could it benefit me? Scroll down to see more advanced tools and resources if you want to skip down further!

    AI Resources

    Are you already using AI? If you are looking for other cool tools and software to integrate into their business please try:

    Applications and Tools

    What ever you are trying to accomplish, there is an AI tool lout there for you

    Chat and Search tools

    • ChatGPT — AI conversational tool trained on vast text data; free, $20/mo for faster response with ChatGPT-4
    • New Bing — ChatGPT-based search and conversations in limited beta; waitlist required.
    • Perplexity — Free Q&A tool with direct responses and citations.
    • YouChat — Free conversational tool with ChatGPT-style conversations; sign-in required.
    • NeevaAI — Free AI-generated responses with citations, followed by standard search results; sign-in required.
    • Poe — Free Quora conversational AI with multiple assistants; iPhone only.

    Writing Tools

    • Moonbeam — Long-form AI writing assistant, includes free 15,000 words.
    • Copy AI — AI content generator
    • Magic Write by Canva — Within Canva Docs is your very own AI text generator to help you get out a first draft, fast.
    • Craftly — An AI copywriting studio
    • Jasper AI — AI content generator, includes 10,000 free bonus credits
    • Longshot AI — AI writing assistant
    • Conto AI — Create engaging articles and marketing copy
    • WordTune — AI that will improve your writing
    • Passed.AI — Plagiarism checker & AI detector

    Branding Tools

    Business Tools

    • Validator — Get AI to give you feedback on your business idea
    • Fireflies — AI notetaker to help your team record, transcribe, search, and analyze voice conversations

    Photography Tools

    • Luminar — Best professional photo editing software
    • Mokker — Get professional photos of your product Ai
    • Stock Imagery — Generate stock imagery
    • Lensa AI — AI photo editing iOS & Android app
    • Shutterstock Generator — Generate licensable AI stock imagery
    • PS Beta — AI Generated fills for background extensions or to replace areas of your images

    Video Tools

    Marketing Tools

    • Ai Stock Imagery — Generate graphics & stock imagery with AI
    • Mokker — Get professional photos of your product with AI
    • Ortto — Your customer data, messaging & analytics together
    • Luna — Personalize cold emails to close more deals
    • Reply — Get more meetings with this sales engagement platform
    • CreativeFlow by Shutterstock — A suite of apps for design & marketing

    Art Generators

    Download a PDF version of this resource sheet:

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    Want to suggest a resource?

    Let us know about a great AI tool you are using for your business!

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    We can help your business with AI

    We would love to see if we are a good fit for your AI needs. Our team is experienced at creating custom AI ML solutions to help super-charge your business and supporting you with the necessary training and process development steps required for smooth adoption.

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