
    How to Spot Bad Design

    By Carlos Kampff

    If you have a feeling something is off with a design and you don’t quite know why, you might want to check the fundamentals. The CRAP acronym, coined by Robin Patricia Williams, represents four essential graphic design principles: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity. Think of this system as a way to identify what is wrong with…

    Design Strategy

    By Carlos Kampff

    Recent demand for UX services at Fountain City™ have been on a steady upward ramp, leading us to expand our team and partnerships as we grow this segment of our business and adapt to doing more of what we love, and what our customers need. So what is UX? UX is a nerdy way of…

    A Vision in Motion

    By Carlos Kampff

    Hello everyone, things here on this blog have been quiet now for too long. The struggle the last few years has been steady growth fighting against the time required to actually be able to sustain regular writing processes. While I can’t say we are any less busy than before (we are growing actually more than…

    How to improve my UI / UX to Development Workflow

    By Carlos Kampff

    If you are a developer, client or agency – your goal should be to ensure each project phase undergoes a smooth process from start to finish. Every instance where a project needs intervention, discussion, changes and revisions – you are slowing down your productivity and potentially augmenting your costs. Today we will look at this…

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